August 19, 2010

Rock celery, a.k.a parsley

This little herb should definitely be used for more than just garnishing! With just 10 sprigs you receive: 205% of your daily value of vitamin K, 22% DV of vitamin C, 17% DV of vitamin A, and less impressive but still great, 4% DV of folate, and 3% DV of iron.

Vitamin K prevents the loss of bone density and keeps our arteries/heart from hardening. Vitamin C is our body's primary water-soluble antioxidant. Or put another way, vitamin C renders harmless the free radicals, a source of degenerative diseases and cancers, in the water-soluble areas of our body. Vitamin A does the same but for the fat-soluble areas. Vitamin A is also great for combating aging skin and acne!

I suggest choosing Italian parsley (flat leafed) over the classic curly parsley. It has a more fragrant taste and is less bitter. Try adding it to your protein rubs, tomato sauces, pesto, and salads.

This is not the only herb that packs a lot of nutrients. Utilize websites like to do simple searches for the nutrition value of other herbs and food in general (they even detail restaurants and supermarket food!). They are super detailed yet very easy to understand. Here's what they say about parsley:

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